Welcome to the homepage of the «Bindschedler» family

Dear visitor

Welcome to the homepage of the «Bindschedler» family. Since more than 25 years we collect information concerning our family name in all its variations.

We also use this platform to publish our research results regarding historical tradition as well as the way of life in the past centuries.

Our homepage only exists in German language. Therefore we kindly ask you to contact us by E-Mail for further questions or information.

R. G. Bindschedler-Familienstiftung
Büro Von Meiss, c/o Blum + Grob Rechtsanwälte
Neumühlequai 6
Postfach 3954
CH-8021 Zürich

Dr. Georges Bindschedler, Delegierter des Stiftungsrates
c/o bindschedler.swiss
Worbstrasse 46
CH-3074 Muri

Martin Bindschedler, Webmaster, Genealogische Bearbeitung
Müllerstrasse 7
CH-8004 Zürich